Good Day

Today I want to think about artificial intelligence, especially in the ways that it might be applied to my poetry.

I have already written thousands of poems, so I do have a track record that could serve as a data set for AI to work on.

But what is the next step? I guess outlining my goals might help.

I want to be surprised by my past, it is so difficult to be surprised in the moment of writing a poem, but a new poem where AI has been applied to my previous work might well make a pleasant surprise.

I want to question myself in the moment of writing, asking the question about where thoughts and phrases spring from, what are my base drivers, and where do I often go for my source.

It becomes obvious to me, with the slow speed at which I write this, that I am floundering. Even a day brushing up on youtube hasn't helped a great deal. Nor has trying to understand Open WI's Musenet.